Argh Mateys!!!
Last week at this time we were half way through VBS. It was filled with fun, games, and Jesus! No better way to spend a week with kids! It happened last week, but it started many months before with our leaders preparing- Getting the theme, the scripture references, words of the days, etc. nailed down. Then the teachers, decorators, P.E., crafts, puppet shows, and skit people get to work coming up with their lessons based on what our leaders give us to work with. It's so much work and dedication and it's so rewarding to see it all unfold!!!
We really go all out with it!
So here are some pictures from the week. I didn't get to take many because I was teaching 2nd thru 4th grade. I only know about all the awesomeness that happened around the building because of what I heard from my kids! They love it!
Face paint fun!
Bounce house fun!
Our fam!
Captain Johnny Silver, Pixie, and Coco
Mama birds taking a quick photo break 😄.
In the skits, The crew was searching for treasure each day and the Wise seafarer came upon them each time with words of wisdom. They didn't fully understand but eventually trusted him. They were still focused in and finally found treasure of gold but it was taken by Captain Crook and his crew...and he was going to make them walk the plank! But alas, the wise seafarer paid their debt. They received message that he had given his life and saved theirs! The received the keys to his kingdom and when they met up with the King, it was Jesus and they realized the wise sea farer was Jesus all along! It was powerful!
After the skit each day, the kids sit off to go to their class rotations and dig deeper about the stories, theme words, play games, sing songs, and do crafts to go along with each lesson! Such a great group of kids!
Here are some of the crafts my 3 came home with:
They braided their own handles and duck-taped them on their bag.
I think Kamri may have helped a few kids with her braiding skills ;)
Do you see JESUS in the 2 optical illusions above?
A little fun for you here: stare at the 4 tiny dots in the center for about 30-40 seconds then immediately stare at a blank space on the wall. Do you see Jesus there? (I wondered if it would work on a picture here and I think it does. Let me know ;)
I have always liked these things! When I was little we had a crocheted JESUS one that I thought was so cool.
Treasure Box! (Takeout spray painted gold and a foam handle with a verse on top and brads to hold it in.)
This is a paper towel telescope...
When you look thru it you see Jesus! How cool is that?!
Shrinky dink verse necklace and compass necklace.
They love these: that one is Kamri's from last year.
This is a bottle of hidden treasures including their bible verse. The girls have twisted and turned this around so much looking for the locket key charm inside. It's a fun one!
They loved l their crafts and keep going back and playing with them. It's such a neat reminder for what all they learned about during the week! A treasure they won't soon forget!
And here's a photo of our whole VBS group on the stage!
Did your kids do VBS this summer? I'd love to hear about yours too! Ahoy Mateys! "Lower ye sails, and smooth sailing to ye all!" said the wise seafarer!
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