1. Hip2Save Go here!. I can't tell you how many deals I've scored just from looking at this site! It's full of coupons, deals, and even freebies everyday!! This really comes in handy at Christmas time too!
2. ThredUp:
Click below for a $10 off code.
this is a buy or sell site. They send you a gigantic polka dot bag,
you fill it up with clothes you want to sell, send it back with their prepaid postage on the bag, and wait to see you items sell. You can either collect the money or use it as credit toward purchases from ThredUp. I've gotten things like cute swim cover ups and some summer dresses for my girls. They have high standards for what they sell so you won't be disappointed!
3. Shop around for trendy items. When chalkboard labels came out, most people went straight to Hobby Lobby. I know. I love Hobbs too and Yes, they have great deals too, but it pays to just do a quick search online sometimes and see what's there. I found these chalkboard labels in a pack of 24, for less than 5 bucks!
.Click here for similar.
4. Shop sidewalk sales. I got this wicker chair from Pier 1, outside on their sidewalk sale because it has one piece of wicker missing. It's hardly noticeable and I got it for 40% off! I'll take it! Back it up. Load her up!
5. Have savings/coupon codes texted to your phone. Here's one you can use right now: text "SAVE" to 572-837. You will then get texts from Kirkland's for savings!
6. I've said it before and I'll say it again: repurpose furniture :)
Remember this repurposed headboard I used for a shelf for school papers???
Well it's still being used to hold school papers in this hall closet. It's now my command center.
This cabinet is now in that spot the headboard was in. I got this from my Meme. My PawPaw built it, and I'm using it to store all the kids art and craft supplies.
Here's another example of something repurposed.
That's a shoe organizer, I'm using for a wrapping organizer. Some of the wrapping paper organizers are more expensive. This was a shoe holder I already had. I just cut slits in the bottoms of the 2nd and 3rd row so the wrapping paper slides through. I use the other slots for plastic table cloths, tissue paper, tape, tags, and ribbons.
That's a wrap folks! Hope you got some ideas on how to save!
And now for a note of encouragement: read James, out of the Bible! Good stuff!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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