This is a short version of the story of our home living and changes over the past 15 years. Pat and I got married in June 2000. We lived in an apartment while looking for a house. In the process we found an acre of land and decided to buy it and build on it. We were both teachers and needed to start out small and add on later. We even went RV shopping to maybe live on the property while we built. But then Pat and my dad were talking and decided since my dad is a carpenter he and Pat could just build us a little house. Well... There's a lot of red tape to get thru when you want to build a house in League City, Texas. You have to have a company, which we didn't. So, that's when Adams-Marrie Construction was born. We like to joke and call it Adams-Marrie Destruction for fun!
This was from an album of memories I created to Pat after we finished our house:
Those two windows were our living room and computer room. Then one day became baby Kamri's room. Then finally were, after 6 years as planned, knocked out and became garage doors!
And the side door, which is now an inside door in our added on house.
Fun times building it!
There was our first home!
Lots of fun memories were made there!
Then the next phase started after being in the little home for 6 years.
That empty land would soon be filled with dirt, concrete, wood and bricks! It was a fun playground for Kamri while it was being built.
Hotdog lunch for the workers!
One of the best parts of building into our own existing house is that we got to see every bit of it. Kamri could be playing next door or be down for a nap and I could see what was being built next.
Here's Kamris look of shock as she relaxed her big concert slab "play area" had a house framed up in it!
My brother holding Kamri, and Pat.
Front and back!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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