I love Starbucks, but when I can't get there or just want to enjoy my favs at home, I recreate them. One of my favorite drinks there is the Chai Tea Latte! Here's how I make it:
1 cup water
Stash Chai Spice Black Tea
1-2 TBSP sugar (I know, bad...but so good)
1-2 TBSP heavy whipping cream
1/4-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
So you give or take where you like- I go all the way with it- if I have one of these I want it full force.
Boil water in a glass measuring cup (2 min. microwaves is good).
Pour boiling water over tea bag in your mug.
Let steep for about 3 min.
Add sugar and cinnamon, stir.
Add cream, stir.
Sip and enjoy!
2. Along the same lines, I also love Apple Cider Vinegar....to drink! Hi, I'm Robyn and I'm an ACV-aholic! I was reading Mix and Match Blog last week and I couldn't believe it was one of Shay's weird things. My kids go around asking people if they like Apple Cider Vinegar like me. Kamri and Kaci think it's really gross and stinks. Kylie actually likes it! It's supposed to be great for cleansing your digestive system. Also, My Meme drinks it when she gets muscle cramps and they go away! There are many wonderful attributes of ACV... Anyway, this is the way I prepare it:
Heat 1 C water to boiling (I use the same glass measuring cup as I mentioned earlier.
Add in 1 tbsp honey
Add in 2 tbsp Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Add in a splash of lemon juice or lemon oil.
Pour that mix into a tumbler to go with a straw, and add in 1 C water. This brings you to 16oz.
I drink at least one and sometimes 2 per day. The cold water mixed makes it more bearable to drink and not quite as hot as it started out. I have to drink it hot/warm not cold. The reason for boiling first is because the honey dissolves great in hot water. So yum, and good for you!
3. It's so hot and I'm enjoying summer but...
Next up is one of my favorite gifts from last Christmas. Mamas just know what to get!
It's this scarf hanger from IKEA. Looks like you can only get it in store but wanted to include the pic because mine is loaded down! Love how much it holds! And they're really easy to slide in and out if the holesand it takes up so little space hanging in the closet!!
That's what it looks like new
That's what it looks like in use!
This is one of my favorite spots to sit - in Kamris room! I love this chair, so comfy! This one is out if stock but there are similar ones here.
5. And because it's summer and we have used this so much... this is some good stuff for those annoying ant, Mosquito, tiny bug bites!
6. I don't know about you but I'm particular about my kitchen towels. There are many of them that just do not mop up or absorb wet stuff from the counters. Well I found these at Marshall's or TJ Maxx and they are perfect Bar Mops! If you see them there, snatch up a few packs! You'll love em!
7. I got these new flip flops this week and they're perfect they're flat, can be dressy casual or just casual, because of the nautical stripe and gold medallion detail. I got em from Palais Royal- on sale for $19.99, plus I had a 40% coupon! Score!
And just for kicks ;) this was my view as I sat in the porch swing enjoying some coffee...
Just something so peaceful about nature! Love the back yard!
7. Just for laughs!
Bahahahahaha! So true! ;)
And for some reason this Little Richard song came back to me earlier this week. Pat and I love to sing this one and joke around with it- it's one his dad had a record of and he learned from him. So fun to good around with. I leave you with "hebe jee-bies!" Said the bad luck baby put the ganks on me!
Little Richard
Have a great weekend!!!
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