We had a whirlwind of rain and ailments this week😳
This week started off early Monday morning at the dentist...for the youngest member of our family! Little Kylie had to have a crown and a filling- what?!?! After much analyzing and reminiscing, I've come to the conclusion that it's because I let her go to sleep with cough drops in her mouth too many nights. It started when she had a sore throat, and no relief at night from anything else....so I probably did the wrong thing #liveandlearn #momfail
I was so glad Kamri and Kaci came with me! They helped her holding her hand as she walked back to get started. On a side note, we have the best dentist ever! She is so calm, cool, and collected, and knows how to run an office that makes you and the kids feel safe. They have their own little waiting room with games and pretend play set up, then they always get a prize as they leave. She encourages parents to stay in the main waiting room and my girls have always done wonderfully this way! Here they are early morning watching a movie, waiting for Kylie to be called.

Then they got to go back with her and split off to the playroom to wait for her.
My sweet peas, or silly monkeys depending on what time of day it is! She did great, throughout the process! However she was queasy and sort of threw up/ dry heaved when we were about to leave the office. Poor thing! But she did tell me so we made it to the potty first. Then on the way home she said she was about to again, so Kamri got unbuckled and climbed in the back to help her out! Oh, and I stopped the car at the CVS parking lot. Such a sweetie. Again so glad they were with me to help out! After we got home it was a lazy day, with Kylie sleeping all day, we stayed quiet and peaceful for her to recover from that "Benadryl" type stuff they gave her. All that quietness made us all lazy so we laid around watching tv!
I think it kinda set my mood for the whole week- I did stuff around the house...in my pjs. Bliss! Sometimes you just need some down time to catch up. We had a busy few weeks there so this time of r & r was needed. Kamri was full of allergy stuff and the Benadryl knocked her for a loop the whole next day- she did not like that and declares she'll never take it again. However, she got a spider bite that left a huge mark that felt, in her words, like raw skin with something poking in it, yikes. That called for Benadryl. I mixed in with her Tylenol for the pain so she never knew. Shhh! But I could tell she was sleepier than normal the next couple days.
Anyway then Kaci also ran a fever one morning, and felt horrible, but it subsided with the pain meds, and that was all.... Or so we thought. But it came back yesterday....She seemed tired all day, and by last night she was running fever again. Weird! And sad, because VBS starts today. Thankful Memaw can keep her for me!
We kept expecting some horrible weather from Bill, which never really came. We did get rain though, so we were inside most of the week till Thursday, when they swam for a bit. They needed to get out of the house!
Then Friday and Saturday all day were our VBS workdays. We had one the week before last too. These are mainly our decorating days. The kiddos pitch in and help too! Kamri was a super big helper on the decorations in my room, along with Pat. Kaci and Kylie helped me staple some pirates up and carry things up and down the stairs. They love it and look forward to the workdays almost as much as the VBS itself! Their friends are there so there's also some running around detouring here and there around the church building. I don't think I got any pics of our workdays. I was too busy working ;). But I couldn't help but get this pic:

That's Kylie having ice cream as a solution to a total meltdown, due to the fact that her big sisters got to stay at VBS workday with their daddy while she had to leave when I left 😂. Ice cream makes everything better!
Here's a peak at our week in pictures:

Playroom playtime. I actually have a pic of this room about an hour prior to this pic in which I could show you a disaster zone, but for some reason it won't upload. Lucky you!

Building a puppet stage. What else do you do on a rainy day?

Crazy sand. I love this stuff -in the box ;)

Caught red-handed!
Cutting a Barbies hair! Hey, I'll take that over cutting her sisters hair any day! ;)

Fun with cousins


Pat, In the process of Making VBS signs. I'll do another post next week on our whole VBS! It's really fun to see it all unfold and to see the kids excited each year we do this!

See that beautiful girl...that's our friend, Audrey McKee.
a highlight of our week: we got to see Audrey on TV!She is the winner of the Tommy Tunes Best Leading Actress! She's going on to compete in New York this summer, and we can't wait to see how that goes! Remember her name. You'll see it in lights one day!!!
Sunday for Fathers Day we..…
Went to church to worship our Heavenly Father, then went to eat at Joe Lee's. Pat's pick. This time he wanted something a little quicker so he could get back home and study. Pat is working on his Masters Degree and had to finish up school work all afternoon. That has been his Sunday afternoons and some Saturdays for almost a year and a half. Come on August (graduation)!
Us girls didn't mind the quicker lunch either though because we wanted to get home and see Audrey on TV. They aired the Tommy Tune awards and we missed out on getting tickets to it live. It literally made us get chills and tear up to see her accept this award, because she deserved it and works so hard!
And here's what I found on my phone yesterday ;). This is a screen shot of only SOME of the selfies she took...

LOL! Looks like she was trying to see her shiny, silver, new tooth back there at first, then just being silly! Love it!
Hope you're having a great summer!
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