Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th, fireworks (aka sparklers), and fun!!!

We love a relaxed 4th!  Friends, the Sabrsula's and Shaw's came to party!  By default the party was at our house, being that out of several friends here, I'm the one that had the last baby (3 yrs) so it ends up here so I can get her to sleep and we can all keep on partying.  I'm thankful they oblige and we love having everyone here.  Yesterday around lunch time Meme came and left before the celebration to beat any oncoming bad weather that was brewing.  She showed up with goodies for my 3 girls!  Headbands, glow sticks, and an all American balloon for each!  They had fun with those treats, and they really added to our party later when Kylie was scared of the sparklers - she was just peachy with her glow stick!

The kids all had fun swimming and jumping on the trampoline!!
The men went together to go buy sparklers for the kids... We're not super adventurous with the fireworks.  But, We live close enough to the Kemah Boardwalk, and can see their fireworks show from our house so we usually put out the lawn chairs and watch theirs!  This time it was raining and a few mosquitoes so we stood under a canopy to watch.  My handyman husband even cut down a big branch of our pecan tree so we could see.  Funny thing though, right after he did that, us adults looked around and noticed that all the kids were going in and we were the BIG kids watching.  They said they were itchy, lol!  The kids love to stay up LATE, and try to get us adults to beat our late night records from years past, of New Year's Eve and 4th of July celebrations!  Don't tell them but us mommy's have NO PROBLEM talking for hours on and on! Love my coffee talk time with my besties!!!  Nothing better than good friends, good coffee, and a some late night games and laughter - many times to tears!  We have been known to bust a gut!  Although the men would say we're the ones who make the late nights, they don't have a problem swapping stories and playing washers etc, for hours either! :).  The rain kinda put a halt to the washers this time.
One of my favorite stories of the night was what we got to hear about a real life high!  Reid, Heather and Troy's son, just got back from a trek trip to Colorado with some of the youth group, for the past week y'all!  I'm so jealous!!! But it was awesome to see his pictures and hear about his trip!  It looked like the closest thing to Heaven I've seen!  Seriously, his pics could be framed artwork nature shots for any room, any house!
Lots of fun chatting, and kiddos running around having a ball!
This year's 4th of July was quite a bang as usual!!!
Hope you had a great one too!

And a little reminder to checkout checkout 51, I've been using it and my account is adding up!  I'll let you know when I get my first $20!
Also checkout my "pin it to win it" board on Pinterest where I'm adding give aways and sweepstakes I find on the web to enter!  Fun stuff!
Meme, Kamri, Kaci, and Kylie


  1. Great pictures! Hope you had a fabulous holiday... and that cake looks delish!

  2. Thanks, Darcy! Yes, the flag cake turned out great! Hope your 4th was awesome too!


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