Robyn's Nest of 5
Friday, March 29, 2019
Sharing artwork I’ve recently completed that makes me happy. I had lots of fun creating these. They’re just fun paintings. The process for me is what makes it fun. Then, every time I look at one, I remember the feeling I had making it. It’s such a great time getting lost in creating! Like the one says, “Let go and be free...”. Both of these started as blank white canvases.
I drew an umbrella onto paper, cut it out and taped it onto the canvas, then painted around it with black. I let that dry then had fun with puffy paint! I outlined, filled in, and wrote the saying all in puffy paints. I hadn’t used puffy paints in years so it brought back some memories! Mainly making T-shirt’s in Jr.High! K like how this turned out. I love the black background to make the shiny puffy paint pop!
For the other work of Art, I used a tacky spray adhesive, and sprinkled sand all over the canvas, and coated that with clear gloss sealer. Then I used about 6 different shades of blues, greens, and purples, along with black and white, to create my floating landscape abstract expression. I love the texture and I just stare at it for a while sometimes, lost in the wild blue yonder!
Enjoy... until next time!
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Hey there, I’m back just sharing some stuff from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s been a while but I’m missing this creative outlet.
So today I’m sharing a poem I wrote. Most people who know me don’t really know that I wrote poems. I mean, I don’t go around speaking in poems or anything and after I write them, they’re just hidden away in a cabinet or filed away on the notes of my phone. I come from a long line of poem writers- well, at least I know my Meme (my mom’s mom), and my dad, wrote poems. I am guessing they’re not the first ones from either side of my family to write poems, but they’re the 2 I know of.
I have a few of theirs. Meme has a journal of her poems, and my dad has papers here and there and letters with poems. It’s in my blood.
So I thought why not share them. Some are serious, some are funny, some are just random thoughts. Enjoy!
You’re as slow as Christmas
And I don’t know why
I keep believing you’ll change
You build me up, you let me down, you keep spinning round and round.
You’re as fast as lightening and I love you so.
You move and groove to and fro.
You beat the rush,
you are too much
You get me giddy as little kitty.
You’re on again off again never stable.
I love, I hate, I crave the label.
you give you get, you’re a taker, you’re fatal.
You’re a wealth of knowledge though dumb as rocks.
How hard can it be to find the Grinch socks!?
I give you up, you suck me back in.
I’ve wasted an hour and then
Aahh Haaa- you have the power again.
Or fake it till you make...
me give in.
You found em! click! “One-click-buy” is my jam.
Until after December and this holy season with the fam!
I’m stuck with you as my only option, please internet speed up and get me what I need.
If only you were never born we’d all have less greed.
Yes indeed.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
This is the Life! Yall there's so much to be thankful for and that's what I was thinking about when I painted the above. This is one of the series I painted during my recovery from reconstructive surgery following chemotherapy for breast cancer. I just got a baking metal pan and put it on my lap in my recliner, with a cup of water and some watercolor paints. It was so freeing, so relaxing and just therapeutic of course!
I would encourage anyone who is undergoing some type of recovery, to get a hobby that you love or one you have been curious about and have someone help you get the materials you need to have ready for when you come home. For me, I already had the materials, but I just tweaked the place, from a table top to a metal pan that sat on my lap, and a little side table next to me to hold some more materials.
This was another painting I completed after I was able to get up and about again. Three canvas panels for the living room. They ended up being changed several times, but that's what I usually do. For some reason I just can't quite settle on some of them so I paint and start over.
I hope you have taken a little inspiration from these. I love life and love the beach- and love to create masterpieces! Until next time- enjoy the little things!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Dear Daughters (edition 1)
Dear daughters, here's a few things you need to know...
(random ramblings for you, daughters)
(originally written April 2, 2016)
you are loved beyond beyond. Even though you will go through times where you don't feel so, because, well... this life throws things at us like that sometimes... just remember... you certainly are. I love you. I love you because you are mine. You are a gift from God. YOU are part of ME. no matter what phase of life we are in, it is the BEST one yet, because I get another day to do this life with you! It means God is blessing us with each other. On this day, we had fun!
One day Daddy had to borrow our minivan to cart tennis kids around...and we were stuck with his truck. You remember that day... I'll just throw a few reminders out there: Chick-fil-A, chicken minis! Remember how they stop serving breakfast at 10:30, and we were watching the clock as we waited in line after rushing to get there. It was 10:28 when we ordered. Phew! Just in the nick of time... and remember where Kaci was (shhhh).
Remember picking out socks and other things on that aisle...? It was a fun day. Just because we were together, doing whatever and enjoying each other. Remember dyeing eggs every color of the rainbow every morning of spring break.... Remember catching all the cooking shows! Remember trying things to cook together... Remember starting a fire, from trying to make Pioneer Woman's toasted crackers! (we may not try that one again).... anyway.
Remember the nights of trading off kids getting to fix mama's hair while I read Anne of Green Gables to yall? can't wait to start our next book at night!
As I have said before, it's the little things that matter. One day we'll look back and remember the good times.
These are the good old days, the best days of my life, when I get to see you all smile. Remember....You are loved. Life may get hard sometimes for you, but look ahead and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Look at today, and think of tiny things that can make you smile. and Dear Future Daughter, call me, come see me, know that I'm still here for you to share a little moment with. I love you, yesterday, today, and forever and ever! It may be years in the future, and you may be much older reading this, but you are still my baby of Yesterday. You are still my daughter. You may outgrow your clothes. You may grow in wisdom. You may move on and far away. BUT. You will never get too big, too smart, too far, for me to LOVE. You are my gift from God!
(random ramblings for you, daughters)
(originally written April 2, 2016)
you are loved beyond beyond. Even though you will go through times where you don't feel so, because, well... this life throws things at us like that sometimes... just remember... you certainly are. I love you. I love you because you are mine. You are a gift from God. YOU are part of ME. no matter what phase of life we are in, it is the BEST one yet, because I get another day to do this life with you! It means God is blessing us with each other. On this day, we had fun!
One day Daddy had to borrow our minivan to cart tennis kids around...and we were stuck with his truck. You remember that day... I'll just throw a few reminders out there: Chick-fil-A, chicken minis! Remember how they stop serving breakfast at 10:30, and we were watching the clock as we waited in line after rushing to get there. It was 10:28 when we ordered. Phew! Just in the nick of time... and remember where Kaci was (shhhh).
Remember picking out socks and other things on that aisle...? It was a fun day. Just because we were together, doing whatever and enjoying each other. Remember dyeing eggs every color of the rainbow every morning of spring break.... Remember catching all the cooking shows! Remember trying things to cook together... Remember starting a fire, from trying to make Pioneer Woman's toasted crackers! (we may not try that one again).... anyway.
Remember the nights of trading off kids getting to fix mama's hair while I read Anne of Green Gables to yall? can't wait to start our next book at night!
As I have said before, it's the little things that matter. One day we'll look back and remember the good times.
These are the good old days, the best days of my life, when I get to see you all smile. Remember....You are loved. Life may get hard sometimes for you, but look ahead and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Look at today, and think of tiny things that can make you smile. and Dear Future Daughter, call me, come see me, know that I'm still here for you to share a little moment with. I love you, yesterday, today, and forever and ever! It may be years in the future, and you may be much older reading this, but you are still my baby of Yesterday. You are still my daughter. You may outgrow your clothes. You may grow in wisdom. You may move on and far away. BUT. You will never get too big, too smart, too far, for me to LOVE. You are my gift from God!
Friday, July 24, 2015
Friday Favorites!
1. My Homemade Chai Tea Latte!!!
I love Starbucks, but when I can't get there or just want to enjoy my favs at home, I recreate them. One of my favorite drinks there is the Chai Tea Latte! Here's how I make it:
1 cup water
Stash Chai Spice Black Tea
1-2 TBSP sugar (I know, bad...but so good)
1-2 TBSP heavy whipping cream
1/4-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
So you give or take where you like- I go all the way with it- if I have one of these I want it full force.

Boil water in a glass measuring cup (2 min. microwaves is good).
Pour boiling water over tea bag in your mug.
Let steep for about 3 min.
Add sugar and cinnamon, stir.
Add cream, stir.
Sip and enjoy!
2. Along the same lines, I also love Apple Cider drink! Hi, I'm Robyn and I'm an ACV-aholic! I was reading Mix and Match Blog last week and I couldn't believe it was one of Shay's weird things. My kids go around asking people if they like Apple Cider Vinegar like me. Kamri and Kaci think it's really gross and stinks. Kylie actually likes it! It's supposed to be great for cleansing your digestive system. Also, My Meme drinks it when she gets muscle cramps and they go away! There are many wonderful attributes of ACV... Anyway, this is the way I prepare it:
Heat 1 C water to boiling (I use the same glass measuring cup as I mentioned earlier.
Add in 1 tbsp honey
Add in 2 tbsp Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Add in a splash of lemon juice or lemon oil.
Pour that mix into a tumbler to go with a straw, and add in 1 C water. This brings you to 16oz.

I drink at least one and sometimes 2 per day. The cold water mixed makes it more bearable to drink and not quite as hot as it started out. I have to drink it hot/warm not cold. The reason for boiling first is because the honey dissolves great in hot water. So yum, and good for you!
3. It's so hot and I'm enjoying summer but...
Next up is one of my favorite gifts from last Christmas. Mamas just know what to get!
It's this scarf hanger from IKEA. Looks like you can only get it in store but wanted to include the pic because mine is loaded down! Love how much it holds! And they're really easy to slide in and out if the holesand it takes up so little space hanging in the closet!!

That's what it looks like new

That's what it looks like in use!

This is one of my favorite spots to sit - in Kamris room! I love this chair, so comfy! This one is out if stock but there are similar ones here.
5. And because it's summer and we have used this so much... this is some good stuff for those annoying ant, Mosquito, tiny bug bites!

6. I don't know about you but I'm particular about my kitchen towels. There are many of them that just do not mop up or absorb wet stuff from the counters. Well I found these at Marshall's or TJ Maxx and they are perfect Bar Mops! If you see them there, snatch up a few packs! You'll love em!

7. I got these new flip flops this week and they're perfect they're flat, can be dressy casual or just casual, because of the nautical stripe and gold medallion detail. I got em from Palais Royal- on sale for $19.99, plus I had a 40% coupon! Score!

And just for kicks ;) this was my view as I sat in the porch swing enjoying some coffee...

Just something so peaceful about nature! Love the back yard!
7. Just for laughs!

Bahahahahaha! So true! ;)
And for some reason this Little Richard song came back to me earlier this week. Pat and I love to sing this one and joke around with it- it's one his dad had a record of and he learned from him. So fun to good around with. I leave you with "hebe jee-bies!" Said the bad luck baby put the ganks on me!
Little Richard
Have a great weekend!!!
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I love Starbucks, but when I can't get there or just want to enjoy my favs at home, I recreate them. One of my favorite drinks there is the Chai Tea Latte! Here's how I make it:
1 cup water
Stash Chai Spice Black Tea
1-2 TBSP sugar (I know, bad...but so good)
1-2 TBSP heavy whipping cream
1/4-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
So you give or take where you like- I go all the way with it- if I have one of these I want it full force.
Boil water in a glass measuring cup (2 min. microwaves is good).
Pour boiling water over tea bag in your mug.
Let steep for about 3 min.
Add sugar and cinnamon, stir.
Add cream, stir.
Sip and enjoy!
2. Along the same lines, I also love Apple Cider drink! Hi, I'm Robyn and I'm an ACV-aholic! I was reading Mix and Match Blog last week and I couldn't believe it was one of Shay's weird things. My kids go around asking people if they like Apple Cider Vinegar like me. Kamri and Kaci think it's really gross and stinks. Kylie actually likes it! It's supposed to be great for cleansing your digestive system. Also, My Meme drinks it when she gets muscle cramps and they go away! There are many wonderful attributes of ACV... Anyway, this is the way I prepare it:
Heat 1 C water to boiling (I use the same glass measuring cup as I mentioned earlier.
Add in 1 tbsp honey
Add in 2 tbsp Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Add in a splash of lemon juice or lemon oil.
Pour that mix into a tumbler to go with a straw, and add in 1 C water. This brings you to 16oz.
I drink at least one and sometimes 2 per day. The cold water mixed makes it more bearable to drink and not quite as hot as it started out. I have to drink it hot/warm not cold. The reason for boiling first is because the honey dissolves great in hot water. So yum, and good for you!
3. It's so hot and I'm enjoying summer but...
Next up is one of my favorite gifts from last Christmas. Mamas just know what to get!
It's this scarf hanger from IKEA. Looks like you can only get it in store but wanted to include the pic because mine is loaded down! Love how much it holds! And they're really easy to slide in and out if the holesand it takes up so little space hanging in the closet!!
That's what it looks like new
That's what it looks like in use!
This is one of my favorite spots to sit - in Kamris room! I love this chair, so comfy! This one is out if stock but there are similar ones here.
5. And because it's summer and we have used this so much... this is some good stuff for those annoying ant, Mosquito, tiny bug bites!
6. I don't know about you but I'm particular about my kitchen towels. There are many of them that just do not mop up or absorb wet stuff from the counters. Well I found these at Marshall's or TJ Maxx and they are perfect Bar Mops! If you see them there, snatch up a few packs! You'll love em!
7. I got these new flip flops this week and they're perfect they're flat, can be dressy casual or just casual, because of the nautical stripe and gold medallion detail. I got em from Palais Royal- on sale for $19.99, plus I had a 40% coupon! Score!
And just for kicks ;) this was my view as I sat in the porch swing enjoying some coffee...
Just something so peaceful about nature! Love the back yard!
7. Just for laughs!
Bahahahahaha! So true! ;)
And for some reason this Little Richard song came back to me earlier this week. Pat and I love to sing this one and joke around with it- it's one his dad had a record of and he learned from him. So fun to good around with. I leave you with "hebe jee-bies!" Said the bad luck baby put the ganks on me!
Little Richard
Have a great weekend!!!
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Thursday, July 23, 2015
Tea Parties & Journals
I always want the memories of my girls this young,
when tea parties were so magical and so much fun!
I love them, I love them from head to toe.
I love how God made them, this I know!
One day soon they may not want tea parties, with pretend food and water.
They'll find delight in other things this world has to offer.
I just pray this simple prayer before I go to sleep:
"Dear Lord, let them be little. Let them stay kind and sweet."
And though the grass fades and the flower withers.
I'll have my journals to remind us of the time they were littles.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Homemade Laundry Detergent
One way I save money is by making my own liquid laundry soap.

I have used DIY laundry detergent for a few years off and on. I use the recipe from the Duggar family blog. I especially like it for Kylie, my little one because she has eczema and it doesn't irritate her skin. For her clothes I do a separate bucket and don't add in the essential oil.
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap
(Front or top load machine-best value)
4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar*
1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda**
½ Cup Borax
-Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
Use 1/2 to 1Cup depending on size of load.
I have used DIY laundry detergent for a few years off and on. I use the recipe from the Duggar family blog. I especially like it for Kylie, my little one because she has eczema and it doesn't irritate her skin. For her clothes I do a separate bucket and don't add in the essential oil.
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap
(Front or top load machine-best value)
4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar*
1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda**
½ Cup Borax
-Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
Use 1/2 to 1Cup depending on size of load.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Funny Business
So I had a moms night out last night and we cracked up, as usual! In honor of all things funny, I'm sharing some funny quotes I found on Pinterest! Hope they make you at least smile and maybe even LOL!

I really believed this when I was little!


Fo' real!

Totally me- I jump when pat walks around the corner in the house. He always says, "I live here too." ;)

Awww! Sweetness!


Nuff said!

Ain't that the truth!

Happens to all of us!


I'm sayin yall! This one is so true it's not even funny sometimes!
Have a great day- hope you get to laugh out loud today!
I really believed this when I was little!
Fo' real!
Totally me- I jump when pat walks around the corner in the house. He always says, "I live here too." ;)
Awww! Sweetness!
Nuff said!
Ain't that the truth!
Happens to all of us!
I'm sayin yall! This one is so true it's not even funny sometimes!
Have a great day- hope you get to laugh out loud today!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Weekly WrapUp
We started off the same as most weeks this summer- BPZ. This is just a cozy little time with friends learning a little more about God's word, kid style...acting out stories and puppet shows and crafts. It's basically an abbreviated VBS.
We've been helping (or having fun) moving stuff around at Memaw's new house. Such a nice place and an open floor plan for us all to be able to visit and drink coffee and such ;) i don't know about you, but for me, there's no place like moms! No matter where she lives it would always be a comfort zone. A place of peace and refuge from anything life throws your way. She makes the home. The home doesn't make her. She's always ready to give up her time to sit, drink coffee, chat, and listen....and no matter what, we always bust a gut at some point. We just like to laugh and totally 'get' each other- like read minds, lol! I sure hope my girls always come back to me like that when they're grown. We have such a special bond!
Took the girls to the new minion wasn't my favorite. I just thought the previous ones were much more funny for the kids. This one was a little more harsh and I can't even remember one part that I totally cracked up at. But a few of the girls seemed to like it ok- I think they just all agreed with each other because I've seen them way more excited coming out of other movies. Like Escape From Planet Earth, one of their favorites.
Anyway, we were going to go to chick fil a after but it was that crazy "dress like a cow day" and it was packed.... So we went to the less desirable, yet still fun place to play, McDonald's.

We sort of needed to be out of the house this week to give pat some peace and quiet to study. He took his test on Friday.
We spent the week literally either at Memaw's doing odds and ends, or shopping...
We also had a cute little birthday party to attend at the American Girl Store. The girls had fun and added several things to their wish list. But I said it was like having 10 kids with me instead of 5! Those American Girl dolls are like little people, only babies you have to take great care of! We almost had a full on meltdown before we even got on the road for over an hour. We first had to make sure everyone had their doll, had her fully dressed and hair fixed. Then we couldn't find one of the dolls ballet shoes she was supposed to wear! Oh my word, we searched all over the place! Finally found it and left 30 min later than I planned!
When we got there, after parking further away than I'd like, we were trying to cross the street. Me and the "10" kids, one 6 year old who decides to wear those hard plastic Cinderella dress up shoes. Against my better judgement I let her. My fun mom voice spoke up in my head and won. Anyway, so we look both ways and a car stopped to let us go, or so I thought. But as we're crossing the street, she sped up! I shoed the children up with me and stared her down as she stopped abruptly, rolled down her window and said in a rather southern voice, "oh I'm sorry, I wan't gonna run over y'all!" Oh yeah ya coulda fooled me! Anyway after we walked on, all the girls could not stop laughin' about that lady and her craziness!
So we sat down and had a nice tea party. We had a few laughs about the star-shaped sandwiches which we're quite sure no kid would like. But we loved everything else!
After it was over we walked through the store and eventually I needed a Starbucks before we left to go home. The kind lady said it was just down the way. Well kind lady, when you have 5 tired kids, 1 in plastic dress up shoes with her toes scrunched up and aching with blisters, 5 American Girl dolls that need someone to hold them, and 1 beat definition of "just down the way" is not quite the same as yours. Anyway, we made it there! I got my coffee and the kids all got a drink... So now we had the task of walking all the way back down the way we came! Only this time, instead of only extra dolls to carry, I also had the hand of the girl in the Cinderella slippers, 2 or 3 dolls, my chai tea latte balancing a chocolate shake on top of it, and a big mama purse I should have cleaned out months ago!
We laughed all the way out from delirium.
We got to the sauna, I mean car, buckled up, took a deep breath and headed back into the rat race trying to get home. Overall it was a really fun day!

It was really a rather uneventful week overall, but busy nonetheless. Kylie's last pair of good glasses broke, so she's back in her old ones with the old rx, which means I had to go buy new ones- no fun, and the lady working obviously needed a day off- and I'll leave it at that :)
I found a few great deals this weekend:
Palais Royal has a deal you bring in any gently used clothing and get a $10 coupon. How about decluttering and donating several things. Then you have $10 to use there.

I found these 3 books at Target Dollar Spot! The girls have seen the "Little Women" series on the Smile of a Child Network so they have a little background for these Junior books. I'm reading these to them at night before bed, alternating with our Bible Reading Club.

A little game of Wahoo, with Pat before he started his studies again! His very own hand-carved, wood burned and painted wahoo board. He even made his own wood dice to coordinate the matching marbles. Ain't that boy somethin'!

Just some more Crazy Sand fun! Love that stuff!

And a little sidewalk chalk fun:

And this was on our menu this past week:

Sunday was sooo hot! After church and eating though, it started raining and I found these cuties playing outside:

Hope you all had a great week!
Don't forget to pray for our nation throughout your week- we need it y'all, as optimistic as I am:

Linking up at Flour Me with Love
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We've been helping (or having fun) moving stuff around at Memaw's new house. Such a nice place and an open floor plan for us all to be able to visit and drink coffee and such ;) i don't know about you, but for me, there's no place like moms! No matter where she lives it would always be a comfort zone. A place of peace and refuge from anything life throws your way. She makes the home. The home doesn't make her. She's always ready to give up her time to sit, drink coffee, chat, and listen....and no matter what, we always bust a gut at some point. We just like to laugh and totally 'get' each other- like read minds, lol! I sure hope my girls always come back to me like that when they're grown. We have such a special bond!
Took the girls to the new minion wasn't my favorite. I just thought the previous ones were much more funny for the kids. This one was a little more harsh and I can't even remember one part that I totally cracked up at. But a few of the girls seemed to like it ok- I think they just all agreed with each other because I've seen them way more excited coming out of other movies. Like Escape From Planet Earth, one of their favorites.
Anyway, we were going to go to chick fil a after but it was that crazy "dress like a cow day" and it was packed.... So we went to the less desirable, yet still fun place to play, McDonald's.
We sort of needed to be out of the house this week to give pat some peace and quiet to study. He took his test on Friday.
We spent the week literally either at Memaw's doing odds and ends, or shopping...
We also had a cute little birthday party to attend at the American Girl Store. The girls had fun and added several things to their wish list. But I said it was like having 10 kids with me instead of 5! Those American Girl dolls are like little people, only babies you have to take great care of! We almost had a full on meltdown before we even got on the road for over an hour. We first had to make sure everyone had their doll, had her fully dressed and hair fixed. Then we couldn't find one of the dolls ballet shoes she was supposed to wear! Oh my word, we searched all over the place! Finally found it and left 30 min later than I planned!
When we got there, after parking further away than I'd like, we were trying to cross the street. Me and the "10" kids, one 6 year old who decides to wear those hard plastic Cinderella dress up shoes. Against my better judgement I let her. My fun mom voice spoke up in my head and won. Anyway, so we look both ways and a car stopped to let us go, or so I thought. But as we're crossing the street, she sped up! I shoed the children up with me and stared her down as she stopped abruptly, rolled down her window and said in a rather southern voice, "oh I'm sorry, I wan't gonna run over y'all!" Oh yeah ya coulda fooled me! Anyway after we walked on, all the girls could not stop laughin' about that lady and her craziness!
So we sat down and had a nice tea party. We had a few laughs about the star-shaped sandwiches which we're quite sure no kid would like. But we loved everything else!
After it was over we walked through the store and eventually I needed a Starbucks before we left to go home. The kind lady said it was just down the way. Well kind lady, when you have 5 tired kids, 1 in plastic dress up shoes with her toes scrunched up and aching with blisters, 5 American Girl dolls that need someone to hold them, and 1 beat definition of "just down the way" is not quite the same as yours. Anyway, we made it there! I got my coffee and the kids all got a drink... So now we had the task of walking all the way back down the way we came! Only this time, instead of only extra dolls to carry, I also had the hand of the girl in the Cinderella slippers, 2 or 3 dolls, my chai tea latte balancing a chocolate shake on top of it, and a big mama purse I should have cleaned out months ago!
We laughed all the way out from delirium.
We got to the sauna, I mean car, buckled up, took a deep breath and headed back into the rat race trying to get home. Overall it was a really fun day!
It was really a rather uneventful week overall, but busy nonetheless. Kylie's last pair of good glasses broke, so she's back in her old ones with the old rx, which means I had to go buy new ones- no fun, and the lady working obviously needed a day off- and I'll leave it at that :)
I found a few great deals this weekend:
Palais Royal has a deal you bring in any gently used clothing and get a $10 coupon. How about decluttering and donating several things. Then you have $10 to use there.
I found these 3 books at Target Dollar Spot! The girls have seen the "Little Women" series on the Smile of a Child Network so they have a little background for these Junior books. I'm reading these to them at night before bed, alternating with our Bible Reading Club.
A little game of Wahoo, with Pat before he started his studies again! His very own hand-carved, wood burned and painted wahoo board. He even made his own wood dice to coordinate the matching marbles. Ain't that boy somethin'!
Just some more Crazy Sand fun! Love that stuff!
And a little sidewalk chalk fun:
And this was on our menu this past week:
Sunday was sooo hot! After church and eating though, it started raining and I found these cuties playing outside:
Hope you all had a great week!
Don't forget to pray for our nation throughout your week- we need it y'all, as optimistic as I am:
Linking up at Flour Me with Love
Posted using BlogPress
Friday, July 17, 2015
Friday Favorites
1. We did this craft at Bible Power Zone this week and the kids really liked it:

Top copy

Bottom copy stapled with only the heart for them to color in.

Lay the top copy that's not colored in back on top of the one you colored in- make sure the hearts line up- then paint oil on the top heart. The colors start to show thru and the kids love that aspect. Pretty cool! crazies decided teasing would be fun!

3. Remember how I save the girls clothes... See my post on that here.
Here's a dress they all 3 got to wear at 3 years old- loved that dress! Oldest to youngest:

Kamri (2007)

Kaci (2011)

Kylie (2014)
4. Three food related favorites:

If you haven't tried these, you're missing out! I use them as the name suggests, when I'm headed out the door "on the go"!

Another favorite anytime: banana with Almond Butter. Since I have had almond butter, I tell ya, I can't stand peanut butter anymore.

These Rubbermaid glass wear storage containers, I love. Great for leftover anything because you can just pop the lid off and reheat in the dish.
5. I just discovered you can have collaborators on your Pinterest boards. I was invited to pin for Coffee Recipes and then I created one for others to pin to: Simple Meals, because we all could use more Simple Meal ideas, right?
You can see those boards @robynmarrie on Pinterest.
7. goodreads! I knew about this a ing time ago, but just rediscovered it and love it! Sort of like a mini book club without discussions but you can rate them and then follow and see book recommendations from friends. I like that when I see one I want to read I can mark it to remember for later! Check it out!

6.Blogs you may have missed from the week:
Last weeks weekly WrapUp
I joined BlogLovin! I love it- it let's you read all your favorite blogs in one place! You just click the little black button that says 'bloglovin' to join! And it's free!!!'
There will always be somebody better than you! Read this post to find out more...
Playroom Trauma...
Happy Friday y'all!!!
Linking up!
Top copy
Bottom copy stapled with only the heart for them to color in.
Lay the top copy that's not colored in back on top of the one you colored in- make sure the hearts line up- then paint oil on the top heart. The colors start to show thru and the kids love that aspect. Pretty cool! crazies decided teasing would be fun!
3. Remember how I save the girls clothes... See my post on that here.
Here's a dress they all 3 got to wear at 3 years old- loved that dress! Oldest to youngest:
Kamri (2007)
Kaci (2011)
Kylie (2014)
4. Three food related favorites:
If you haven't tried these, you're missing out! I use them as the name suggests, when I'm headed out the door "on the go"!
Another favorite anytime: banana with Almond Butter. Since I have had almond butter, I tell ya, I can't stand peanut butter anymore.
These Rubbermaid glass wear storage containers, I love. Great for leftover anything because you can just pop the lid off and reheat in the dish.
5. I just discovered you can have collaborators on your Pinterest boards. I was invited to pin for Coffee Recipes and then I created one for others to pin to: Simple Meals, because we all could use more Simple Meal ideas, right?
You can see those boards @robynmarrie on Pinterest.
7. goodreads! I knew about this a ing time ago, but just rediscovered it and love it! Sort of like a mini book club without discussions but you can rate them and then follow and see book recommendations from friends. I like that when I see one I want to read I can mark it to remember for later! Check it out!
6.Blogs you may have missed from the week:
Last weeks weekly WrapUp
I joined BlogLovin! I love it- it let's you read all your favorite blogs in one place! You just click the little black button that says 'bloglovin' to join! And it's free!!!'
There will always be somebody better than you! Read this post to find out more...
Playroom Trauma...
Happy Friday y'all!!!
Linking up!
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